The School of Nursing (SN)offers a complete line of degree in nursing. It has begun undergraduate enrollment in 2002, master’s degree enrollment in 2007, PhD enrollment in 2012 respectively. The School has witnessed the growing prosperity of modern nursing education in China and is highly recognized for our excellence in teaching, research, and practice. It offers programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels on full- time and part- time basis.
SN has a strong faculty. Teachers who possess doctoral degree account for 35%, and master degree 65%. The faculty is known for their research capacity as well as their expertise on clinical nursing care. SN has appointed renowned scholars home and abroad as visiting professors. It is home to 9 supervisors for master degree, and 4 supervisors for doctoral degree.
SN takes initiatives to improve our programmes to promote the development of the discipline of nursing. Programme of Nursing has been honored as Recommended and Distinguished Programme of Guangzhou "and the branded specialty of Guangdong Province. The School of Nursing has established bilingual programmes on undergraduate level, which has well received by parents and students.
SN has been actively engaged in academic exchanges and cooperation with prestigious universities in Hong Kong, USA, Australia and Macao to provide students more opportunities for employment, further study and individual prospect. The School has established collaborative partnerships with the following schools in exchange of faculty and students as well as academic and research collaboration:
School of Nursing, Arkansas State University, Jonesboro, U.S.A
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Queensland University of Technology, Australia
School of Nursing, University of Hong Kong
Nethersole School of Nursing, Chinese University of Hong Kong
School of Nursing, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Kiang Wu Hospital in Macao
SN is dedicated to cultivating quality nursing graduates with comprehensive capabilities. As a result, graduates are warmly welcome on the job market. The employment rate is 100% and the passing rate in National Qualification Examination for Nurse Practitioners at undergraduate level is also 100% in recent years.